Survey and Geomatics Services in Gravenhurst and Muskoka
T.A. Bunker Surveying Limited in Gravenhurst provides professional geomatics consulting services for condominium plans, lot stakeouts, mapping projects, and more. Our team also provides control surveys, site surveys, legal surveys, management services, cadastral surveying and land information for individuals, realtors, private companies and governments in Muskoka and throughout Ontario.
We typically keep quite busy performing lot stakeouts and reports, as well as plans of survey, but offer a wide range of survey and geomatics services. Plans of survey, or Real Property Reports, provide a detailed legal description of property, as well as other legal information that is indispensable for home owners. Download a .pdf copy of The Surveyor's Real Property Report for more information and to see an example. Another valuable resource that can help you to understand why you might need an Ontario Land Information Professional is also available for download.
Our Survey and Geomatics Services
We've included a partial list of our geomatic and survey services for your convenience. Click one of the headings to read a brief description. Please contact us if you have any further question or would like to schedule a consultation.
Project Consulting
There are construction projects that require accuracy of data capture, design and layout and we can act as lead or as a team member to facilitate project completions.
Cadastral Surveys
Cadastral Surveys (Description Reference Plan, Surveyor's Real Property Report, Plan of Subdivision, Plan of Condominium, Plan of Survey). Cadastral (legal) surveys confirm the position of boundaries on the ground and identify them with a variety of standard monuments set out in Ontario Regulations. Many final formats of plans resulting from a current field survey can be produced.
Land Titles First Application
A Land Titles Plus application to the Registry Office is generally required to “improve” the quality of the registered ownership title before a Plan of Subdivision or Condominium can be registered. The application submitted by a lawyer is supported by a current plan of survey of the boundaries of the relevant lands. The application and plan are circulated to each neighbouring land owner and relevant utilities. This process can be time-consuming and we work closely with the client’s solicitor to ensure the process moves ahead smoothly.
Topographic Surveys
The field survey focuses on capturing 3-Dimensional data points that when plotted can illustrate the shape and contours of the site, any features required (trees, streams, rock outcrops, buildings, etc) and their relationship to the site boundaries.
Construction Layout
We can accurately place the structure on the site by reference to boundary set-back or site control criteria, elevation criteria and construction drawings.
Planning Applications
We provide basic consulting for land severances to create new lots and easements and related zoning amendments. Our services can include either just the capture of required spatial data or complete projects including preparation of the necessary sketches and municipal applications and attendance as agent to planning meetings with municipal staff and hearings. For complex planning applications we work closely with local planning consultants.
Land Use Planning Report
An individual building property may require a planning report and/or site plan to assure the municipal authorities that the property can be developed in compliance with current zoning and development criteria by-laws.
Description Reference Plan
A description reference plan is a plan deposited at the Land Registry Office to update or re-describe boundaries, to facilitate the creation of new properties or limited interests such as right-of-way or to facilitate an ownership update process such as a Land Titles Plus application. These plans might describe ownership portions in three dimensions (strata plans) and will be required when dealing with Crown Land (such as reserves and bed of water bodies).
Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR)
A Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR) includes a plan showing confirmed boundaries and all identifiable man-made features on the site and is accompanied by a written report highlighting any particular issues noted during our work.
Plan of Subdivision
A plan of Subdivision is created in conjunction with an application under the Planning Act (including a detailed “Draft Plan of Subdivision” showing proposed layout and drainage) and receives planning authority approval prior to registration in the Land Registry Office to create new lots and streets.
Plan of Condominium
A plan of Condominium is in a general sense a special plan of subdivision created in accordance with both the Planning Act and the Condominium Act to create ownership spaces, usually within buildings and on more than one level.
Building Permit Sketch (Site Plan) & Lot Grading Plan
A building permit sketch (site plan) and a lot grading plan is a special use document prepared to illustrate that the placement of new construction will meet municipal zoning set-backs and drainage control issues.
Photogrammetry and Aerial Mapping
Photogrammetry and Aerial Mapping use the science of spatial parallax to create 3-dimensional data points from photographs or laser scans and produce contour maps showing visible features. T.A. Bunker Surveying Limited collaborates with Northway/Photomap/Remote Sensing Ltd in the acquisition of aerial and terrestrial data, the provision of ground based control and checks and the development of mapping and photographic products.
Digital Files
Digital files of captured 2-D or 3-D points and created lines can be prepared for all projects in industry standard .dwg and .pdf formats.
Registration Plan
Registration Plans that are used to create new properties on Canada Lands (such as First Nation Reserves) can be based on a full survey of the entire land holding or a partial survey of only the new lots with the illustrated remainder compiled from available survey records. Specific Instructions from the Surveyor General are required for these surveys.
Unique Survey Applications
Structural deformation and other precise surveys can be carried out using both high precision robotic total stations and LiDAR scanners.
Geo Referencing
Geo-referencing makes use of survey grade GNNS satellite receivers in either static, network configuration or stand-alone base Real-Time Kinematic modes to develop real world coordinates in a variety of datums.
Litigation Support
Litigation support involves working with solicitors on court cases and involves research of records and site specific surveys and evaluation in order to provide expert evidence to assist the court in understanding the physical evidence and issues at trial.
Historical Records Research
Historical records research is carried out for clients to assist in determining the status of historic but abandoned roads, the navigable nature and access to water bodies and other land related issues.
Purchasing Land in Muskoka?
Only a Surveyor's Real Property Report prepared by an Ontario land surveyor can confirm that the structures are situated inside the appropriate land boundaries, that the land they sit on is where it should be and is the correct size, and, if appropriate, the lot has private lake frontage.